Self Esteem Questionnaire Rate Your Self Esteem
This self esteem questionnaire was developed by the National Association for Self Esteem.
The following questions are an exploration into the development of your self-esteem. While we are all accustomed to seeing test questions as having right and wrong answers, that does not apply here. This is not a test. There are no wrong answers.
Each question is designed to gauge your level of self esteem. In addition to your response to each question, the "Self Esteem Enhancers," to the right of each question, provide powerful information to nurture your healthy self esteem.
WARNING: You may find as you're taking this self esteem questionnaire that you are responding to the
questions in terms of how you would, ideally, like to be. Please resist that temptation and answer, instead, from a place of complete self-honesty.
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When you make a mistake do you
tend to…
- Feel ashamed and embarrassed.
- Who me? I never make mistakes.
But if I did make one, I would
immediately correct it and hope no
one was watching.
- I have no fear owning up to it in public, and I am open to receiving help from others in fixing it.
Self Esteem Enhancer: It is quite "normal," and human, to not enjoy making mistakes! That is why we often feel embarrassed, deny their existence, and/or blame others for our errors. We believe that the best way is to admit your mistakes, learn from them and take corrective action. After all, a mistake is a mistake - no more, no less.
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On average, when you look at yourself in
the mirror what do you believe
you see?
- Someone who is attractive and confident.
- Someone who is average and often unsure about what to do in life.
- Someone who is ugly and insecure.
Self Esteem Enhancer: We live in a society that emphasizes glamour and sex appeal. That is why most of us strive to achieve external beauty, but oftentimes we lose our uniqueness in the process. If we can accept the things we'd like to change without badmouthing or beating up on ourselves, we've come a long way toward self-acceptance.
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When you are dealing with a problem
in your life what do you tend to do?
- Blame everyone or anything that I think caused the situation. It's rarely my fault.
- I complain and vent to anyone willing to listen but rarely address my personal responsibility for the issue.
- Take responsibility for my thoughts, words, and actions because if I take ownership I am not a victim to the situation.
Self Esteem Enhancer: Taking responsibility for your own thoughts, words, and actions is more easily said than done. However, we believe the quality of your well-being is directly proportional to how much self-responsibility you are willing to take. When we blame others or outside events for our position or condition in life we lock ourselves into a prison of pain. There truly is freedom in taking ownership for how we respond to what happens to us in life.
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If my wants and needs are different from
those of others I am likely to…
- Give up and give in. I'd
- Say, "My way or the highway!" I
argue until I get my way.
- Try to avoid them altogether. Why
bother trying to get my needs on
the table. Mine aren't important,
and neither are theirs.
- Create a win/win.
Self Esteem Enhancer: Your wants, needs and self-worth are as important as those of anyone else. However, that doesn't mean others will automatically respect them. If you silence your own voice, others will not know what you want or need. It's up to you to claim your needs as important and learn how to respectfully assert yourself. With practice, you'll be amazed at how this will become second nature.
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When you think about the greater purpose of
your life what do you tend to think?
- I feel like I am drifting.
I am ashamed to admit it but I
don't know what I should be doing
or even where to start.
- I have a general picture of what I
want to do and what I am capable
of creating for my life.
- I am on course with my purpose,
and know I am capable of creating
whatever my heart desires for my life.
Self Esteem Enhancer: Have you ever wondered "Why am I here?" or "What am I supposed to do in life?" If so, you're in very good company. This is one of the most fundamental life decisions you can make. Your purpose is about what you plan to achieve and the kind of person you want to be. Your character and your habits will lead you to be healthier, happier and more successful.
What are you good at? What do you really enjoy? These are two good places to look when you're trying to decide your direction. Your life has the potential to be so much more than you might imagine. The most important thing is that your life has meaning for you.
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When I make a commitment to myself
I often tend to…
- Break it before the end of the hour,
I am terrible at following up on my
- I do it with hesitation and fear
because I so desperately hate
- Stick to it with conviction and
await the rewards that I believe
will come from it.
Self Esteem Enhancer: If you've ever heard the phrase, your word is your bond, you'll understand why honoring commitments is an aspect of healthy self-esteem. A commitment is a pledge; and a pledge is a guarantee. When you make a commitment to yourself or others you're putting your integrity on the line. As you learn to demonstrate that you can be counted on to do what you say, you build your self-esteem and your credibility at the same time. That way you and others will know that "you walk your talk."
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When you talk to yourself (you know, that
little voice in your head) what does it tend
to sound like?
- Very critical and negative. I often put myself down and beat myself up emotionally.
- Fairly confident and supportive, but I still have those days when my self-talk holds back my true greatness.
- Extremely confident and helpful. I have learned to become my own best friend and weed out my limiting thoughts from the empowering ones.
Self Esteem Enhancer: If you're like most people you say things to yourself you wouldn't tolerate coming from another person. Negative self-talk scares us out of taking positive risks so we can avoid failure. Here's how you can start to build positive, self-empowering inner dialogues. First, recognize your negative self-talk. Next, interrupt the pattern; tell yourself "Erase that. Here's what I really mean!" The last step is to give yourself a positive instruction, like "I can do this. I'm up to the task," or "Let's try it on for size." The more you're able to replace your negative self-talk with positive, the more your self-esteem and self-confidence will grow.
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How do you often react to what other
people say about you?
- I take things personally, and if I think someone is saying something negative about me I take it too much to heart.
- I get defensive and often respond with an equal, if not greater, negative reaction to them.
- I value what others have to say about me -- but
honestly -- I know who I am, and other peoples' opinions have no bearing on my self-worth.
Self Esteem Enhancer: When you put more weight on your own judgment than on others' it's easier to keep their words in perspective without becoming defensive. Your strong sense of self-worth allows you to maintain your power and still hear what others have to say without feeling bad about yourself.
As a result of taking our Self-Esteem Questionnaire, we trust you have a clearer picture of how to nurture
healthy self-esteem.
Thanks for completing our "Self Esteem Questionnaire!"
© 2004 Written by Sharon Fountain, Sean Stephenson, and Bob Younglove, for the National Association for Self-Esteem
Self Esteem Experts has also developed its own self esteem questionnaire with answers that correlate to our lesson plan .
Want to improve your self esteem? Get our Free Self Esteem E- Book!
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