Symptoms of low self esteem
The faces and symptoms of low self esteem can be different depending on who you are. Can you recognize yourself in any of these low self esteem signs?
People with low self esteem
Constantly doubt themselves and do not trust their judgment
Operate out of a fear of rejection and look for approval from friends, family and co-workers.
Are typically unassertive in their behavior with others.
Blame themselves, often think everything is their fault. Seek the approval of others to be happy
Are anxious about the future and are often depressed
Have a tendency not to act. They become stuck and immobilized because they are afraid of failure.
Sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers.
Can be perfectionists. Constantly seeking to improve themselves and their environment. They are never satisfied.
Are constantly plagued with negative self talk and self doubt. They are unable to affirm themselves positively. .
Are unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult to accept compliments or recognition from others.
Are insecure, anxious, and nervous when they are with others.
Are easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or loss in their lives. Have a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge against those whom they believe have not fully accepted them.
Fulfill roles in their family that are counter-productive and co-dependent.
Are vulnerable to mental health problems. They often use addictive behavior to medicate their emotional pain. Such addictive behavior can include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, shopping, smoking, working too much, or the endless search for truth. If you recognize yourself in these symptoms of low self esteem, you are not alone. Low self esteem is a widespread problem in our society. Learn more about Low Self Esteem Signs . Here is some specific information about low self esteem and women..
The good news is that there are specific things you can do to empower yourself and change the way you feel and operate. You may be asking "Where Do I Start?"
We recommend starting with learning how the brain works in Lesson One of our Self Esteem Lesson Plan. Also,
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